27 February 2023 20:41 WIB

Accelera On The First 2023 Indonesia Drift Championship

February provided a new agenda for the Accelera team. Along with the Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) 2023, the first round of the Indonesian drift national championship (kejurnas) was also held under the Indonesia Drift Championship (IDC) name. IDC itself is the first drift event participated in by the Accelera team in 2023.

Team Accelera consists of Akbar Rais with a BMW E46, Danny Ferdito with a Nissan 200SX, Dipo Dwiki with a Toyota GT86, Ziko Harnadi with a Nissan 200SX, Umbu Gillberth with a BMW E46, and Firenze Akello commonly known as Firo, a 13-year-old who has already entered the Pro class with a Nissan Cefiro. 

The Accelera 651 Sport is undoubtedly still a mainstay for the Accelera’s drifters. These tires are proven to provide consistent grip on both dry and wet tracks. In fact, the IDC event is dominated by wet tracks due to the rain that does not stop pouring.

Despite the inconsistent weather, the Accelera 651 Sport still gave its best performance consistently.

Accelera also made another achievement. Firo spectacularly managed to get the 1st Qualification Overall and earned second place in the general class after competing through the top 32 and various fierce tandems with his Nissan Cefiro.

In addition, Ziko with its Nissan 200SX managed to get 1st Qualification as well as 4th in the Pro class



Bulan Februari memberikan agenda baru bagi tim Accelera. Bersamaan dengan gelaran Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) 2023, kejuaraan nasional (kejurnas) drift Indonesia babak pertama juga diadakan dengan nama Indonesia Drift Championship (IDC). IDC sendiri menjadi event drift pertama yang diikuti tim Accelera pada tahun 2023.

Team Accelera terdiri dari Akbar Rais dengan BMW E46, Danny Ferdito dengan Nissan 200SX, Dipo Dwiki dengan Toyota GT86, Ziko Harnadi dengan Nissan 200SX, Umbu Gillberth dengan BMW E46, serta Firenze Akello yang biasa dikenal Firo, anak berusia 13 tahun yang sudah terjun di kelas Pro dengan Nissan Cefiro. 

Accelera 651 Sport tentunya masih menjadi andalan bagi drifter tim  Accelera. Ban ini terbukti memberikan daya cengkeram secara konsisten baik pada saat trek kering maupun basah. Bahkan, ajang IDC didominasi oleh trek basah karena hujan yang tidak kunjung berhenti mengguyur.

Meskipun cuaca tidak konsisten, Accelera 651 Sport masih memberikan performa terbaiknya secara konsisten.

Accelera pun kembali menorehkan prestasi. Firo secara spektakuler berhasil mendapatkan 1st Qualification Overall dan mendapatkan posisi kedua pada kelas umum setelah bertanding melewati babak 32 besar serta berbagai tandem yang sengit dengan Nissan Cefiro-nya.

Selain itu, Ziko dengan Nissan 200SX-nya berhasil mendapatkan 1st Qualification serta 4th di kelas Pro
